Harmonious alliance of Yoga, Taichichuan, Qigong and Meditation
Classic 5: Fighter's Song (Da Shou Ge)
Peng, Lu, Ji and An should be considered seriously.
The top and bottom accompany each other and the opponent finds it difficult to enter.
Let him attack with great force,
Use four taels to move a thousand catties.
Draw the opponent into his void, harmonize and discharge promptly
Adhere, keep continuity, be gentle, follow, do not lose contact or resist.
Cai, Lie, Zhou and Kao are even more impressive,
Using them there is no need to think about it.
If you can be light and agile then you can understand Jin (strength)
Do it in a circle, but not with disorganised hands and feet.
Also the secret is:
If the opponent does not move, I do not move.
If the opponent moves a little, I move first.
Look relaxed, but don't relax.
Be ready to move, but don't move.
Jin is broken, but Yi (intention) is intact.
Author unknown