Harmonious alliance of Yoga, Taichichuan, Qigong and Meditation
Some additional keys to managing anxiety and stress
Energy can also be a source of stress or increased stress levels. The circulation can be hindered by a body blockage, mental agitation or in the nadis (energy circuits.....subtils...)
Yoga, Qigong and Taichi act together to facilitate this good circulation again...... which will be the basis to build a new energy system.
Several things interact
Our energy level .... see above
The environment: Pressure from people or external causes: environment.
Impressions are like food for the mind and the subconscious
Past experiences that have left a "trace" of reaction or emotional imprint ......
Food for our mind: what we read and watch ... that acts on the conscious and subconscious mind
Sense perceptions
Our senses are either overused ... which puts great pressure on the nervous system
Or underused ... an inertia sets in
Or mistreated: images loaded with negative emotions...violent films...violent sounds...abuse...of all kindsabus
Some Keys to reduce Stress
A first key consists in a certain "active" detachment from what our senses perceive...not to enter totally into it...not to seize and manufacture instantaneous concepts with it...but on the contrary with the help of meditation to multiply the approaches of the lived experience to approach as much as possible the real meaning
A second key consists in raising one's level of existence and ethics in a freely chosen personal discipline with an adapted and daily time for internal work
break time
A third key is not to identify totally with one's mind .... Which for most of us is a bundle of uncontrolled thoughts
A fourth key when the mind is a bit quiet is to be the attentive, silent and ungrasping witness of the activity of the mind and the effects of our connection to the outside world...for example: actions based on something I lack, one tries to fill something that is empty inside. This is related to desire which creates a need for on other levels...there will be no end.....
A fifth key is to arrange your schedule...we need time be in touch with nature .... To practice a physical hygiene where we are well in our body
A sixth key is to reposition with some flexibility what we consider good and bad / right and wrong / just and unjust / true and false / successes and failures / true self-motivation and actions out of fear of others' judgement ...etc.....
A seventh key consists in raising one's "ethical" participation in the world by giving to others ... according to one's capacities and possibilities ... Love , Knowledge ...or Time..... (knowing that one must limit one's action to what is "achievable" with one's capacities and personality ..... and start with small things before tackling the big ones... otherwise one falls back into the wheel of stress.... of the impossible mission)
An eighth key is to look at our past mistakes with compassion, with the awareness that each act of our life was done with the level of the time... the important thing is the progress made and the road you are taking ....
A ninth key meditation gives the opportunity for impressions from the subconscious to come to the surface... These impressions have entered us with the senses .... We cannot avoid the impressions, but by a certain discipline and hygiene we can act so as not to be overly influenced by the impressions and not to create new "negative" ones
Act with a pure conscience and happiness will follow. Soyal RIMPOCHE ( Rigpa france)