Harmonious alliance of Yoga, Taichichuan, Qigong and Meditation
CESI engineer, retired operational marketing manager in an international group.
Numerous spiritual retreats karma ling ( Lama Denys ) , lerab ling ( Sogyal Rimpoché founder of RIGPA ) , village of plum trees ( Thich Nhat Hanh ) , Fondjouan ( Getrul Jigme Rimpoché ) .
Vipassana retreat at the Goenka Centre.
Two years of training at the European Buddhist University in Paris.
Yoga and martial arts practitioner since 1969 (Aikido, Karate, Iai, Kendo...)
Practises Taichi Chuan since 25 years with experts of Chinese origin "Masters of weapons" who transmit a Tradition of authentic lineage.
Common core BEES 1° Dir de la Jeunesse et des Sports 2007
CQP Animateur de loisirs sportifs : Option " Activités gymniques d'entretien et d'expression " 2013
ATT2 of the French Federation of Taichi Chuan 2008
ATT3 of the French Federation of Taichi Chuan 2010
4° DUAN French Federation of Taichi Chuan 2011
2° Dan of Aikido
20 years of practice including 10 years as a federal teacher
Founder of the clubs of Massy Palaiseau Ris orangis (91) and Chatelet en brie (77).
Graduate of the SUNSHINE SCHOOL of Thai massage
CHANG MAÏ (northern school) 2006